llamas and Alpacas

Although IIamas and Alpacas were seen on the highways, no one rode them – not even small children. These animals, natives of the Peruvian highlands, carry smaller loads than a man does.

 They are not as hardy as burros, donkeys or camels, although IIamas, like camels, can get along without water for a long time.

Llamas can travel only 15 miles a day in the high altitudes of 12,000 – 16,000 feet. Sure-footed, they follow their leaders over the steepest trails, but when they get tired, they simply sit down and refuse to budge.

If a llama is urged or whipped, it will turn its long neck and spit at the driver. At the day’s end, llamas are lead out to graze in the highlands meadows, where they feed contentedly on the tough ichu grass, which is so dry that all other animals refuse to eat it.


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